Medium Peace Lily Variegated


Takes indirect bright light ie; a north facing window

Also can be in shady areas ie; away from a bright window

Water every 10-14 days (when the first inch of the soil dries)

Not pet-friendly

Shipped with our secure plant box

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The Variegated Peace Lily here at Pafe Plants is adored for it’s floating, cream colored leaves that can look a lot like wispy, delicate flowers. The large size is ready to go at our shop and will be about 3 feet tall with leaves that stretch 3 feet wide. If you want to add a touch of flair and beauty with flowering houseplants to a lackluster room in your home, pick the Peace Lily. 

Peace Lily Benefits

One helpful benefit that comes with the Peace Lily is its resilience. It bounces back quick from negligence, and if you pay attention you can see if something’s wrong before it’s too late, as the leaves will begin to wilt and look sad. This makes them one of the best low maintenance indoor plants and beginner plants! The variegated peace lily can also remove air toxins and replace them with fresh air. Pretty, pretty, pretty, neat!

A Life of Mystery

The peace lily plant lives a low-key life with an odd name. Even though there is ‘Lily’ in the title, it’s not actually a member of the Lily family, it’s actually in the Araceae group. The genus name hails from Greece, and the houseplant is scientifically referred to as Spathiphyllum. The word comes from a Greek term, ‘spath’, which also means ‘spoon’ when roughly translated to english. For the ‘phyl’ part, it means ‘leaves’. ‘What does it all mean?’ You wonder? Both terms are actually highlighting the Lily’s gorgeous, cream, spoon-like leaves. The ‘Peace Lily’ name actually refers to the Calla Lily, since they both have similar sizes, leaf colors, and texture. Who woulda thunk?

It Can Tell You What’s Up

Peace Lilies are good at communicating how they feel. When the plant gets thirsty or isn’t receiving enough attention, they’ll show you their displeasure through their expressive leaved. You may see the foliage wilt and look like it’s dying, however, this makes peace lily watering very easy as a little wilt won’t harm the plant, and is your best indicator of when to water.

Fake Flowers

The white, petal leaves like to fool people into thinking they are flowers, when that’s actually incorrect. The ‘petal’ is actually a modified leaf, also referred to as a spathe. The ‘flower’, aka the Spadix, on the Lily actually is in the middle of the leaf and looks like a cream textured tower. They still are flowering houseplants after all!

Now that you’re an expert with the Variegated Peace Lily, order this plant by 7PM est to get this plant shipped out of our greenhouse in New Jersey tomorrow (if you are wondering the arrival time, check with the zipcode validator on top of the Add To Cart). Seriously, our plant shipping solution is truly protective and innovative to ensure your plants arrive safe and intact! In case you were still wondering, we WILL send out the EXACT plant that you picked out, just like that of a local nursery or garden center, except we have more and fresher plants to choose from and you can’t find our PAFE fine ceramic planter options anywhere else other than our website 🙂
For any other questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us

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